Friday, June 13, 2008

Something Good and Something Bad

A Muse Stamps -- NOT Amusing Scorpions!!

!! If you get grossed out by bugs...there is a REAL BIG scorpion pic at the bottom of this post!

Good Stuff First -- Stamping :)

I made this card for A-MUSE-A-PALOOZA Challenge 2 - Inspiration Eastcoast style! We were to make a card using a Vera Bradley print on a purse as our inspiration. See all the details of this challenge HERE.

This card opens up and has a place to put a gift card on the inside
. Patterned paper is from one of those huge paper packs. The flowers down the side are from A Muse - Circle Frames set. The sentiment is also from A Muse.

Stamps - A Muse Circle Frames Set, A Muse Sentiment.
Paper - Misc Patterned Paper, White and Black CS, Velvet CS from Doodlebug
Ink - Memento Tuxedo Black
Misc.- White and Black Pen, SU Small Oval Punch, Martha Stewart Edge Punch, Marvy Uchida Small Flower Punch, SU Paper Piercing Guide, Small Corner Rounder Punch, Black Brads, Faux Stitching with White and Black Pens.

Now....... on to the BAD STUFF!! YIKKEEESSS!!!!! GROSS!!!! AAAAACK!!!

Oh the joys of living
in the Arizona Desert! This NASTY creature was waiting for me when I went to go brush my teeth the other morning!! I FREAKED OUT!! I ran out and got bug spray and proceeded to drown this creature. I slowed it down enough to take pictures -- ha ha ha -- but it DID NOT KILL THE BEAST! So after my photo took all I had in me to smoosh this huge intruder -- NASTY!! My skin gets all bumpy looking at the pictures! So how many of you want to come to Arizona NOW! This thing was HUGE! I'm posting these pics small so they don't totally frighten you! LOL But...if you REALLY want to see it on the pics! The 2nd pic is a closeup. The 3rd pic is my revenge!


Debbie Corbari said...

Oh...My....GOD! LORI! You had the warning but I had to check it out...even though I'm eating BREAKFAST right now! BLAH! I was ok until I saw the picture of your revenge!! LMAO! That gave me the CREEPS! The Northeast is Definitely the place for ME! LOL!

SeaStar Creations said...

i love this card ... such pretty colors and a unique and fun layout. i might case it, if you don't mind :) and so sorry about your morning visitor in the sink. i have never been to arizona and its not high on my list of places at the moment (now) hee hee! i am sure its worth visiting but that would be totally freaked me out, too!

Anonymous said...

Wow, great job on the challenge!!! OMG on the scorpion though - makes my skin crawl just looking at it!!!!!

Veronica Z said...

I love your card! I also love Vera Bradley.=0) Great job with the challenge! I hate scorpions, they make my skin crawl. I'm glad you got your revenge. *shudder*

bensarmom said...

Lori, you made me laugh out loud with the third picture...your revenge. I forgot to look at your card, I scrolled right down to see the pictures. I don't know how you do it, living with those things. I think I'll stay in NE Ohio where I only have to deal with spiders and such! LOL

Unknown said...

That bug in NASTY. Blech. I'll stay in Wisconsin, thank you very much!

Cute card tho! I love the way it closes, and the colors you used!

Cheri said...

I love your card but must ask how you got that sucker to die? I live in Tucson so I know your pain... I just dont think I could of brought myself to kill it. Those's things GROSS me out so bad. I would of stayed outside until my hubby got home from work I think, lol..

Magnolia Designs said...

OK...I won't complain about how cold it is in Canada anymore...the freakin' gross, dangerous critters like that can't survive here!!!! Not to say that I'm much better at surviving here, but, anyway...that is craziness...glad it wasn't me, I'd have passed out and then he'd have come after me and stung me!!!

Judy Rozema said...

Yep -- those guys are nasty! I can remember being at my mom's (Tucson) and almost ready to put on my shoes and seeing a scorpion in one. We had javelinas, gila monsters, rattlers.....isn't it FUN living in the desert? Or you could live in Nebraska and have what I have in my tree (see my blog today) must be bug week....

Oh - and I tagged you too!!

Nancy Riley said...

Oh the joys of living in the desert southwest! I've never had one IN the house, but have found them near the back patio door. I always tell the kids to shake their shoes upside down before putting them on if they've been left in the garage. Scorpians love dark places like shoes! You were so brave, Lori!

Etha said...

LOL, I think this baby is small or you have a GIANT sink there ;) My sun spiders here are about twice the size and they ain't pretty.

Emma said...

Ewwwwwww!!! I think i would just die if i saw one of those. I freak out when i see a tiny spider in the house. Would love the weather you have there but not the creepy crawlies!!