Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Muse Studio is LIVE!

WATCH THIS VIDEO about A Muse Studio!!!!!

NOW....go check out A Muse Studio at:


WOOT WOOT! I have been waiting for months to share this with everyone!!!

"I" am an A Muse Studio Creative Consultant.

A Muse Studio has a beautiful catalog with sooooo many new products. You can order products now from a consultant (that would be me *wink*), from a workshop, and coming soon through my personal A Muse Studio Website!

WAIT!! How would YOU like to become an A Muse Studio Creative Consultant? I would LOVE to have you join my team and be part of this exciting experience with me from DAY 1! I've have been with A Muse since 2008 and teaching with their awesome products for long time...so you can bet I have some goodies tucked away to share with everyone who joins my team. :)

To join my team just go to amusestudio.com and click on "join our team" Fill out the info. Important! To be on my team, I need to notify A Muse to let them. So make sure and email me if you want to be in my group. loribarnettaz@gmail.com

If you live in my neck of the woods and are interested in earning free goodies and having some fun crafting with friends? I would love to have a workshop or demo for you.

One last thing. Be sure to check out my blog of workshops, classes and events.*
*3/2/11 Sorry everyone...my link to this didn't work yesterday. I think I have it fixed now :)


Karolyn at Paper Therapy said...

Girl, I'm so excited and happy for you and your new venture!! Congrats on what seems like a super fun sitch! Can't wait to see what you've got to offer - we need you to come play with us soon!! Hugs!

Lorraine A said...

Congratulations Lori :-) That is FABBY news !! I wish I lived nearby I would have loved to come to a demo :-)

Lols x x x